Ms Conroy said the agreement would give Chinese fans legal access to EMI's Chinese catalogue but would not stop Baidu's search service from helping users to find and download pirated EMI tracks. 康罗伊女士表示,双方的协议将使中国歌迷得以合法访问百代的中文歌曲库,但不会阻止百度的搜索服务帮助用户找到并下载盗版的百代音乐作品。
Studying the Legal Problems on Access to Railway Freight Transport Market 铁路货物运输市场准入法律问题研究
Research on the Legal System of the Market Access for Foreign Banks in China 我国外资银行市场准入法律制度研究
"It's entirely legal and will meaningfully increase access to information for people in China," Google said in a blog post announcing the move. FT称,“这完全是合法的,也对增加中国人的信息获取途径有重要意义”。
The attacker can easily reuse the view state obtained making legal access to the page to build a bogus request on behalf of another user. 攻击者可以轻松地重用所获取的视图状态,冒充另一个用户合法地访问该页,以生成虚假请求。
Legal Systems of Market Access of Foreign Investment and Enterprise Establishment 外资市场准入与企业设立的若干法律制度
Studies on Legal Issues of Foreign Access to China's Higher Education under the GATS Framework GATS框架下我国高等教育外资准入法律问题研究
There are plenty of ways to get free music downloads, all totally legal and easy to access. 有很多方式获得免费音乐(注:原文由链接)。完全合法,易于获取。
However, few African countries have a legal framework for controlling access to indigenous knowledge and biological resources, or ensuring benefits arising from their use are shared fairly. 然而,很少有非洲国家拥有法律框架控制外界对于其地方知识和生物资源的获取,或者确保他们可以公平地分享从中得到的利益。
Analyzing the Problems of Legal Service Market Access in China 我国法律服务市场准入问题探析
Unfair-competition acts have meanings in a broad sense and a narrow sense. And tries to establish the basic frame of legal institution for market access. 不正当竞争行为的含义有广义与狭义之分。狭义的市场准入或指一般市场准入,或指特殊市场准入,或指国际市场准入。
Study on Legal Issues of Market Access System in China 中国市场准入制度法律问题研究
The Reference Value of American Lawyer Regulatory Regimes for China: an Angle of View on Legal Service Market Access 美国律师管理制度对中国的借鉴&以法律服务市场准入为视角
Identity Authentication ensures that only the legal user can access system resource; 标识与鉴别保证只有合法的用户才能访问系统资源;自主访问控制允许用户对于属于自己的客体可以按照自己的意愿,允许或禁止其他用户访问;
Disclosure of origin of genetic resources in the patent application is an important measure to promote the realization of the aims of Convention on Biological Diversity and the implementation of legal rules of access to genetic resources and benefit sharing. 在专利申请中披露遗传资源的来源是促进《生物多样性公约》目标的实现与遗传资源的获取和惠益分享法律规范实施的重要措施。
How to guarantee the legal user's legal access to resources and protect hackers 'attacks has been the mostly content of network security. 在网络上如何保证合法用户对资源的合法访问以及如何防止网络黑客攻击,成为网络安全的主要内容。
Though HTTP provides basic authentication services to support legal access of users, its function is weak. 虽然它提供了基本认证服务用于支持用户的合法访问,但其功能较弱。
China's existing legislation on the supervision of foreign banks have some problems, such as the legislative level, specific legal provision of market access, market and regulatory approaches to withdraw from a number of shortcomings. 此外,我国现行对外资银行监管的立法中存在一些问题,如立法层次不高、具体法律规定中市场准入、市场退出以及监管方式等存在不少弊端。
VPN is a secure and economic technical means for remote network access, and with this method, legal users can access the digital resources of library with off-campus IP, so it deserves to be concerned and discussed. VPN是远程网络访问的一种安全、经济的技术手段。如何依托VPN技术,解决使用非校园网IP的合法用户远程访问图书馆电子资源问题,值得关注和探讨。
Therefore, it is significant that studying the legal regulations of market access for third-party payment when our country is going to establish the market access system for it. 因此,在我国即将建立第三方支付市场准入机制之际,本文选择对第三方支付市场准入法律制度进行研究具有积极的现实意义。
Even though citizens have participating enthusiasm and demand, they find no smooth legal access. 公民即使有很高的参与热情和参与需求,但缺乏通畅的合法参与途径。
Criminal legal aid system refers to a system that provides free legal services to people otherwise unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system during criminal law suits. 刑事法律援助制度,是指在刑事诉讼的过程中为经济困难的当事人提供免费法律服务的一项法律保障制度。
USA in order to strengthen the supervision of OBSA made legal regulation of market access, capital adequacy ratio and disclosure of information. 美国为了加强对表外业务的监管,就表外业务的市场准入、资本充足率、信息披露做出了相关的法律规定。
Teacher qualification system is a legal professional access system which is the legal protection from national law to ensure high-quality teachers. 教师资格认定制度是一种法定的职业准入制度,是国家依法治教,建设高质量教师队伍的法律保障。
Under this logic guidance, the national legal system began large-scale access to rural areas. Rural social old dispute settlement method was considered to be backward and the performance of the lack of legal awareness. It seems that the lawsuit is rational choice for farmers. 在这种逻辑的指导下,国家正式的法律制度开始大规模地进入农村,农村社会旧有的纠纷解决方式被认为是落后、缺乏法律意识的表现,似乎农民只有以诉讼方式解决纠纷才是理性的选择。
Traditionally, compared with the research on the legal system of market access and operating of commercial banks, the research on that of market withdrawal of commercial banks has been of less importance. 我国传统上重视对商业银行的市场准入和业务运营等法律制度的建设,而市场退出法律制度却一直被置于次要地位。
The legal system of FDI access of our country composes of three divisions, which are domestic laws and regulations about FDI, domestic telecom regulations, and bilateral and multilateral agreements on trade in services. 我国的电信业外资准入制度体系由三个层次构成,即有关外商投资的国内法律法规,电信行业的法律法规,以及我国参加的双边及多边的服务贸易协定。
The experimental results show that authentication system can effectively ensure legal node to security access the network and in the meantime prevent the network from illegal attacks. 验证系统的实验结果表明,本文方案能够保证合法节点的安全接入的同时有效抵御非法节点的攻击行为。
In the second part, comparative study of market access for foreign banks in countries in the legal system, including access to forms, the scope of access conditions and access requirements. 第二部分比较研究了各国外资银行市场准入方面的法律制度,包括对准入形式、准入条件和准入范围方面的要求。
As the high development of the biological diversity protection and the biotechnology, the protection of genetic resources problem becomes important, and the legal problems of access to and benefit-sharing of Genetic Resources is gradually coming into peoples 'views. 随着生物多样性的保护和生物技术的高速发展,遗传资源的保护问题也日渐凸显,遗传资源的获取与惠益分享所涉及的法律问题渐渐走进了人们的视野。